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Clay Pebbles are a great choice in growing media as they are reusable,
last a long time and can be used in different hydroponics systems and different stages of plant growth.

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Pumice Stone is an excellent soil conditioner,contain variety of minerals, light weight and high water absorption
as it is highly porous, giving excellent water and air holding properties.

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Perlite is a porous substance that offers both excellent water retention, drainage capabilities and potting soil mixture to lighten the soil weight.
Additionally, perlite also provides proper aeration which is necessary for healthy root growth in plants.

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Vermiculite  can be used to aerate and lighten soils weight, germinate seeds,
or use as mulch for outdoor shrubs and plants.
It is ideal to keep your house plants soil well drain, retain moisture and
nutrients to feed roots and seeds for faster growth.
And also a source of key nutrients for plants growth.

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There are some usages and benefits about Volcano Stone.
It contains many mineral content and trace elements. This causes the plants will grow bigger, faster and healthier than other plants.
Their root structures will improve and strengthen and they will have increased resistance to pests and diseases.

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There are some usages and benefits about Volcano Stone.
It contains many mineral content and trace elements. This causes the plants will grow bigger, faster and healthier than other plants.
Their root structures will improve and strengthen and they will have increased resistance to pests and diseases.

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Medical stone is a kind of non-toxic, harmless and bioactive compound mineral. It’s suitable for succulents, cactus and orchids, permeable and breathable, rich in trace elements, good to mixing with soils.

Medical stone adalah sejenis mineral sebatian yang tidak beracun, tidak berbahaya dan bioaktif.

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AKADAMA, sizes medium grain is suitable for all kinds of potted plants, especially succulents, cactus and orchids. The fine grain is a good choice for lawn planting and gardening plant seedlings. It can also used for the cultivation of various aquatic plants without melting.

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Biochar is a type of charcoal used as a soil conditioner to aid plant growth, for agricultural purposes and for carbon capture and storage, as opposed to conventional charcoal, which is generally used for fuel. In addition, using Biochar can increase agricultural productivity by 20%, purify water quality, and help reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.

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''Rice husk'' helps in building up soil organic matter,  thus enhancing nutrient retention and water-holding capacity.
Sekam Padi
Sekam Padi membantu membina bahan organik tanah, sehingga meningkatkan daya tahan nutrien dan daya tahan air.

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Specially designed to use for all kinds of indoor and outdoor planters, window boxes ornament plants and hanging plants.
Good drainage and moisture retaining. Natural and organic, no animals stool.

Direka khas untuk digunakan untuk semua jenis penanam dalaman dan luaran, tanaman hiasan kotak tingkap dan tumbuhan gantung.

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Growing Mix 28 litres, specially designed to use for all kinds of indoor and outdoor planters, window boxes ornament plants and hanging plants. Added growing perlite for better water retention, good drainage and moisture retaining, natural and organic with no animals stool. it’s use instantly for all plants.

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Succulent Mix 7 litres, specially designed for all kinds of succulents plants and cactus plants, good drainage and use instantly.

Succulent Mix 7 litres, direka khas untuk semua jenis tumbuhan sukulen dan pokok kaktus, saliran yang baik dan digunakan serta-merta.

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Recommend to use for adenium and stemmed plants.
Contains humus soils, mineral vermiculite and pumice stone, use to loosen the density of heavy clay soils, improve aeration and drainage.
Natural and organic, no animals stool.

Disyorkan untuk digunakan untuk adenium dan tumbuhan berbatang.

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'' Lawn Master 31 '' 
is a high quality fertilizer suitable for turf, parks and play ground.

'' Master Rumput 31 ''
adalah baja berkualiti tinggi yang sesuai untuk rumput, taman dan taman permainan.

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“ Compound Fruiting 43 ”
high quality import from Germany,
100% chemical fertilizer use for plant fruiting.

“ Berbuah Kompaun 43 ”
import berkualiti tinggi dari Jerman, 100% penggunaan baja kimia untuk pembuahan tumbuhan.

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“ Compound Leafy 45 ”
high quality import from Germany,
100% chemical fertilizer use for plant growing.

“ Daun Kompaun 45”
import berkualiti tinggi dari Jerman,
100% penggunaan baja kimia untuk penanaman tumbuhan.

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“ Compound Flowering 47 ”
high quality import from Germany,
100% chemical fertilizer use for plants flowering.

“ Bunga Majmuk 47 ”
import berkualiti tinggi dari Jerman,
100% penggunaan baja kimia untuk tumbuhan berbunga.

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“ UREA 46% N ”
contain the most important plant food-Nitrogen.
It is suitable for all indoor and outdoor plants and lawn.


“ UREA 46% N ”
mengandungi makanan tumbuhan yang paling penting-Nitrogen.
Ia sesuai untuk semua tumbuhan dan rumput dalaman dan luaran.

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“ Superbloom Fertilizer Flowering 55 ”
it is the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer,
to promote strong and more flowering.

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“ Fertilizer Flowering Special 58 ”
it is the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer,
to promote strong and more flowering.

“ Baja Berbunga Istimewa 58 ”
ia adalah campuran baja kimia import berkualiti tinggi dan baja organik,
untuk menggalakkan berbunga kuat dan lebih banyak.

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It is the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer, 
it promotes plants fertile and produce more fruits   'CAMPURAN BERBUAH”
Ia adalah campuran baja kimia import berkualiti tinggi dan baja organik,
ia menggalakkan tumbuhan subur dan menghasilkan lebih banyak buah

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It’s the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer, promote plants strong and healthy.
Ia adalah campuran bahan kimia import berkualiti tinggi
baja dan baja organik, menggalakkan tumbuhan kuat dan sihat.

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It is the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer
and organic fertilizer,
to promotes plants strong and produce more flowers.

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